Since 2017 we have trained well over 3000 dogs of every age, breed, size, and background you can imagine. We have no idea of the dog or people we are working with until we show up at their house for their In-Home Love & Leadership Training Session. We routinely, and by routinely, I mean several times a week train two and sometimes three dogs in the same hour. Often getting two previously unmanageable dogs to walk together at the same time, one on each side of the handler with only one finger. Amazingly 85% of clients only need one session. These results and numbers are unparalleled when compared to traditional talk n treat training. Thats right, we only talk to the dogs to give them praise. We don’t have to talk or use treats because we speak dog, and you can too. Dogs communicate with eye contact, movement, and touch. Their eyes on your movement, and the light non punitive correction of the Immediate Correction and Traffic Lead.
The foundation of all dog handling is being able to walk your dog on a loose lead. It is all about –
Task– walk the dog on a loose lead
Standard – 100% of the time
Condition– this is the only thing that changes, the environment and distractions in it. First your walk in your house, then the street, then anywhere.
The #1 behavior people call us about is pulling on the lead. That also just happens to be the first thing we work on. We call what we do Focus Based Canine Training and it works, better than anything else out there. You probably have a box or coat rack full of different collars and harnesses, maybe even a prong or shock collar. It’ OK a dog that pulls is very frustrating, you never knew there was an easier, simpler, natural, pain free way to get your dog to walk right next to you on one finger. About 90% of my clients are females, some with very big dogs, they cannot control a dog with strength, it is all about technique. The Immediate Correction & Traffic Lead are not there to control the dog, they are safety and communication. When the dog is on a loose lead 95% of the time it is a mental connection that remains without the lead. Unlike the traditional leash that is used for control, once you take it off the dog has no connection to you. It is all based on the dog’s natural instinct to roam, scavenge, and hunt as a pack.
In the beginning I looked high and low for a lead that took into consideration the dog’s anatomy, physiology, psychology. Nothing existed so I designed the Immediate Correction & Traffic Leads. It makes walk your dog as easy as holding a loved one’s hand as you stroll down the street. The Immediate Correction Lead can then be attached to things like strollers, wheelchairs and scooters for those with disabilities or busy Mom’s needing to take everyone for a walk. Here is the how-to video.