Regardless of the reason someone calls us, the first thing I do is put the Immediate Correction Lead on their dog and hold on to the other end as I walk away. I only have an hour to reach them and show the owner’s how to change the unwanted behaviors they called me for. There is a saying in recovery that action is proof that words mean nothing. There is nothing to talk about, I have to get the dog to trust me in the shortest amount of time possible.
The trick is to lead the dog away and not look back, but rather feel the lead. There are only four reactions. Most walk right next to me right away, some roll around like and alligator on a bait hook, and other just want to pull forward like crazy. Then some lay down and flat out refuse to walk. Being simple minded this reminds me of people’s relationship with the Lord.
Those who have been through a life of hurts, habits, and hang-ups including loss, addiction, abuse, and mental illness have been looking for someone to lead them their entire life. They are ready to walk without tension on the lead. Some are in the middle of it and have no intension of submitting because they are afraid of having to live a life free of doing what they have always done to pretend that they are in control or allowing themselves to never be in control or accountable to anyone but themselves. Those that pull forward have it all figured out and believe all they need to do is rely on what they want to do to move forward and change. The saddest of all are those that just lay down and refuse to walk. They have become so comfortable in their own pain and misery that they will refuse change at any cost and just shut down.
My trick to dealing with all types is consistent tension that they can increase or decrease. For those who struggle by digging in or laying down I make the tension so it is a little easier to move forward than to keep struggling. They take those first steps and realize that true freedom comes from relaxing and walking next to me. It is the dog’s job to keep the loose leash, the only way they can do that is by focusing on me, not what is going on around them. Those that pull forward are gently reminded to focus by me slowly turning around. People are just like dogs, too worried about where they have been and where they are going instead of concentrating on where they are in the moment. In that moment is where life happens, and if you are not calm and at peace you will miss it. The more you walk the dog on the loose leash the more effortless it becomes, what was once a rigid physical connection is now a relaxing mental / spiritual connection. This freedom is a product of submission, submission only means to be brought under control. To save them you have to show them the way.
The difference between a trained and untrained dog is that the untrained dog just reacts, the trained dog responds based on what the handler wants. He has developed a relationship with the handler who provides for all of his needs and has shown that they are to be trusted and can relied upon no matter how bad the situation seems. This conditions the dog to consult with the handler on all things big and small. By doing this the dog avoids correction by the handler and worse the natural consequences of the world.
Believe me, I am no Jesus. But what the Lord has done for me I try to do for the dogs, maybe their owners will receive the message as well.