Mom’s frequently take on responsibilities that often go unnoticed or unacknowledged, including tasks like cooking, cleaning, caring for the children, managing schedules, and looking after the family dog. Given their demanding schedules, finding the time to commit to a six-week training program for both the kids and the dog becomes a considerable challenge. Moreover, the program’s emphasis on teaching the dog behaviors that may not directly affect its conduct at home raises practical concerns. Additionally, there’s the issue of keeping the children entertained while the training sessions are in progress.
That’s precisely why, at MCS Dog Training, we bring our services to your doorstep, accommodating your schedule. Lisa and Frank, both equipped with clearances and experienced in working with children, can engage and entertain your little ones at no additional cost. Our approach isn’t about inundating your dog with commands and treats. Instead, we focus on teaching them how to concentrate on you amidst chaos, emphasizing good manners. This way, you won’t find yourself shouting at them when addressing the door or leashing up for a walk, grooming session, or a visit to the vet. We can even train them to walk calmly alongside a stroller. Our aim is to provide personalized service and equip you with the skills necessary for your dog to seamlessly integrate into your hectic life. Click here to schedule today.