MCS Canine Academy Puppy Class

  • Hands down the best value in group training for your puppy. NO BS Pet Smart crap. After the first session you will be blown away. At the last session you can decide how far you want to go with your dog. ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS.
  • Personal Information

  • This helps us get a better all around picture of your dog’s environment.
  • Dog Information

  • Tell us all about your dog. What do they do that you like, what do they do that you don’t like, what do you want them to do? Too much information is better than too little.
  • Whether yes or no please explain
  • It happens, do your best to explain the circumstances. If you answered yes, please make sure that prior to answering the door for us you have a Baskerville Muzzle on your dog. We will take it off as soon as it is appropriate. This keeps us and the dog safe. Failure to disclose a bite history will result in being kicked out of class. NO REFUNDS.
  • We know there are a lot of dog trainers out there, we are interested to know what made our clients choose us?
  • We are only two people; Lisa runs the office and George trains the dogs. If you submit your appointment and don’t hear anything within 12 hours (excluding weekends) call Lisa at 717-693-2085. Once Lisa gets a submission, she will e-mail you the offer of an appointment based on the day and time your requested. We do our best to communicate by e-mail so that nothing gets lost in translation. We are old and forget stuff.