We manage a family just like you, this is the reason why we are up front about what we charge. Here is exactly what clients get with every Love & Leadership training session. Here is what you get when you train with us-

- You get me, George, the creator of Focus Based Canine Training who has worked with over 3500 dogs of every age, breed, behavior, and background. I am a husband and father. During my time as a police officer, I was extensively trained as a teacher/instructor. The same is true as my time as a DOD Combat Skills Instructor, the rest of the cadre wear SEALS, and various other Special Forces Units. I say this to make the point that long before I was working with dogs, I was already very well versed in effectively delivering information to a wide range of people. I am not there to teach the way I teach; I am there to teach the way you learn. Many dog trainers get into it because they don’t have people skills. The problem with that is obvious since fixing the problem means educating and training their people. All dogs already know what I am their to teach you. No matter what my wife says I am funning and down to earth, very little phases me from crying kids to being bitten. In other words, you can totally relax. sit back and enjoy the session. I want you to soak up the information like a sponge. I go over and model things over and over, you will get to do it over and over as I coach you and answer your questions. I won’t leave until you can confidently and consistently do what I do.
- At the conclusion of all sessions the client is given the link to the session follow-up notes.
- Included in the notes is a link to join our members only Facebook group the MCS Dog Pack.
- Pack Gatherings for the rest of mine or the dog’s life. Once or more a month we do a FREE training event we call Pack Gatherings. I post a day, time, and location for all of us to meet. Usually at a park or something. Every dog that shows up wearing my leads I know I have trained. I work with all behaviors that present themselves for the benefit of the group This is a great way to meet MCS Pack Members to train with.
- Lifetime, again me or the dog support. Like us, dogs change over time and not always for the good. Life happens and this can impact your dog’s behavior. We are always here to return a phone call or e-mail without charging you more money. If it is something where you need a follow up appointment then we can arrange that, just keep in mind that I am not going to show you anything different from what I taught during your session. Once you train that one session, you’ll have what you need to work with just about any behavior, yours or another dog could have. I don’t want to spend hours working with you and your dog for six hours to do what we do in one session. If it only works when I do it, I am entertaining you, not training you. My goal as it is with all good teachers is that you take what I show you and surpass me with what you do with it. I want a relationship with you, I want you to follow and endorse me. In return I will continue to provide the best evidenced information and training for dogs.
- Honesty, transparency, and peace. We get called for many different situations. If your dog nipped your kid, and even after training and I believe there is a high probability they will do it again I will tell you and work out a plan. If your dog’s issue is neurological not behavioral, I will tell you and work out a plan. If you are way in over your head with the dog you have, I will tell you and work out a plan. I am about giving clients plan of action taking into account the totality of the circumstances. I don’t leave people hanging.
Click here to schedule an in-home session or here to look for a group session in your area.