What do kids and dogs have in common? We chose to bring both into our world to make it a better place, especially for us. Because of that we have the responsibility to care for them, keep them safe, and train them up in such a way to help them avoid consequences from a world that does not love them like we do.
It all starts in the home with rules, boudaries and limitations that are fair and consistant. Whoever spends the time doing this is the one they will look to when they are scared or unsure.
If you can’t control your dog in the house where you can control almost everything, how can you expect to control them when you walk out your door where you control so little.
Why do we hold the hand of a child and have a dog on the lead? Simple, they do not possess the wisdom or self control needed to be safe and avoid danger. We need the ability to immediatly take physical control over them if needed.
When you take a child or a dog in public you are 100% responsible for not only their welfare but also their actions.
Both humans and canines were created to move in specific ways. There is nothing more natural than taking a child by the hand and leading them. Dogs have evolved to naturally walk in the heal position so that they can use their 240 degree field of vision (humans only have 190-200) to focus on their humans face the same way they would with a higher ranking dog to know whats important and whats not. In the canine world nothing is more important than eye contact on your higher ranking dog. Through controllong space and movement during play and while acessing resources, the higher ranking dog is easily identified before venturing out into the world. The diffence is that the higher ranking dog is focused on the dog in front of him, not the one behind him. By focusing on the higher ranking dog he avoids correction for not respecting space and movement boundaries but is also provided protection, food and water.
There is no way to have a fulfilling natural relationship with your dog without moving with them with you as the leader. That is why unlike other trainers we don’t work on anything else until the client can effortlessly walk their dog on a loose leash with one finger without saying a word. This simple thing is the foundation of modifying all do behaviors from aggression and reactivity to barking.
They feeling you should have why walking your dog is tge same as the joy that comes from walking hand in hand with a child. The best things in life are free.