Yesterday we were in Stevens Pa to work with the Golden Girls, River 5 yo, Roxie, 10 yr old, and Rainy 5 mo. The two older girls were fine together before the introduction of the puppy. The dogs had an underground fence and were let out in morning and called in at night. The two older girls spent the last five years running around and communicating using movement and touch. When the pup came into the mix they began to get into it and the family wanted to intercede but the dogs were never walked on a leash so it was hard for the dogs to take them seriously. After demonstrating the Silent Loose Lead Walks and Focus Drills this young lady took over with amazing results. Not one, but two dogs that had never walked on a leash until 30 minutes prior walking together and the doing a tandem Focus Drill. After that we worked with the pup to get her on the same sheet of music. It will take consistent work from the whole family but they are well on their way. Amazing what can be done in an hour without talk or treats.