Meet Rollo- the biggest, strongest dog I have ever trained.

Rollo, the Cane Corso

When I got there, Dad was trying his best to control Rollo using a prong collar and a heavy-duty rope lead and losing ground. Rollo was going crazy trying to get to me. Mom & Dad filmed what happened and I will try to get the footage. It was tough, Rollo tried everything in the book to get at me through the muzzle and using his paws. He would put his paws on my shoulders and go at my face. No matter what he did I had the same response, nothing except for walking him around in a circle on one finger until we got what you see here in about 30 minutes. Prong collars are punitive and unnecessary. Call us first. We want to change your relationship with your dog without sending them, using unnecessary equipment, and without treats.

This session took it out of him. Next time we will take the muzzle off.