Immediate Correction & Traffic Leads now for sale

These are the leads that make what we are able to do in such a short amount of time possible.

The primary reason that dogs pull is because the lead is either attached to a collar that spins when the dog gets ahead of you putting pressure on their trachea or on the harness that attaches to the middle of the back allowing the dog to “harness” all of their power to pull you. The harder you pull back, the harder they pull forward thus concentrating on what you are trying to get them to ignore. This lead replaces all other leads & collars including prong, slip/choker, and Martingale. Take the stress of walking your dog and the chance of injury away from your walk and enjoy comfortable walks with your dog. You can even walk two at a time. Watch the videos at the bottom of the page.

Immediate Correction Lead

The concept of the Immediate Correction Lead is this- being placed high up on the neck behind the ears reminds the dog of being picked up by Mom when they were fussing. Think of it as a weighted blanket for someone with Autism. The adjuster is placed just under the right jawbone. Should be adjusted to be snug but not tight. This ensures corrections are always on the side of the neck in the same place, the only place dogs take natural correction. Every Pop N Relax is like a little nip on the neck, bringing your dog’s focus back on you.

Traffic Lead

We move by holding hands with a child not to control them but for safety. This is the same thing as walking your dog in the heel position on one finger. If you put them out in front of you, the message you are sending is that they are in charge and that they need to take care of you. By conditioning the dog to walk in the natural heel position, their right front leg next to your left heel, you are showing them your leadership and communicating to them that you are in charge.

Immediate Correction & Traffic Lead

These two simple tools are what we have used to work with over 3000 dogs since 2017, including those that other trainers could not help. Once you have your dog’s focus, there is nothing that you cannot accomplish.

All leads are made out of mountain climbing rope and handsewn. Their construction is guaranteed for life. Chewing is not covered.


Individual & Sets