But of course, there is more to it. Focused Based Canine Training was developed by George Matheis of MCS Dog Training. FBCT is based on the premise that all dogs are 98.6% gray wolf so hunting, resource guarding, and communicating through eye contact, movement, and touch is the basis of the relationship between dogs, and once dog owners understand this language, they will enjoy a relationship with their dog that is unrivaled. Using this principle-based approach cuts traditional “Obedience Training” by 90% while at the same time stops many of the most unwanted behaviors such as pulling on the leash, jumping, running out the door, barking, and reactivity to people, places and things. FBCT is intended for anyone who owns, cares for, or otherwise works with canines. The basis for the course is everything George has developed and evidenced working with over 3500 dogs since 2017. Age, breed, size, background, has very little impact on the results. Here at MCS we don’t breed or owner shame, you don’t know what you don’t know. Did we mention that this is all accomplished without verbal commands or treats, just lots of praise whenever the dog is focused on you. Think it is too good to be true? Thats what many of the clients that have written over 600 Five Star reviews on our Facebook thought. Dogs are born with this innate knowledge to silently communicate, we just show you how to speak that language. No more thousands of dollars spent on board & trains, no more treats pouches, no more frustration and anxiety, or weeks or months of classes only to not see any or little improving in your dogs. We are drive by results, not old beliefs, outdated training, or emotion. You will see results in minutes.
All individual and group training will provide you with the following-
An Immediate Correction & Traffic Lead designed by George. Essentially this makes handling your dog as intuitive as holding hands with a child.
Focused Based Canine Training Theory and the proof that supports it
Loose Lead Walking on a fingertip
Gate work (entering and exiting buildings and vehicles)
Focus Drills (five minute off lead stay with distractions) the best way to mentally drain your dog with zero effort on your part
The following behaviors will be unpacked, explained, and worked with using FBCT-
Pulling on the lead
Unwanted barking
Demanding behaviors
Counter surfing
Dog & People introductions
Separation Anxiety
Dog reactivity
Reactivity to things such as vehicles and other stimuluses
Working with packs
Developing natural recall
and much more…
George will personally handles every dog at in-home and group sessions to model the behavior needed to get desired behavior from your dog.
All clients will receive lifetime access to the MCS Dog Pack Facebook Group (clients only Facebook group) where they can post pictures, ask questions, and most importantly hook up with other trained in FBCT to meet them and their dogs to continually condition the principles of FBCT with people who are also invested in their dog.
The price of training is $300 in-home or in one of our group classes. We are always looking for people, organizations, and business to host classes. We absolutely love to partner with likeminded folks and make it super easy.
We do our best to provide a relaxed atmosphere that is conducive for canine and human learning. In a former life George was a SWAT/Patrol officer and has taught many lifesaving skill sets at the local, state, and federal level. At one time he was on Staff at the Department of Defense Police Academy on Aberdeen Proving Ground. He also spent three years as a combat skills instructor for the United States Air Force Expeditionary Commands Air Advisor Course. Not only does George understand dogs but he has mastered delivering information to people from soccer moms to Special Forces. George’s story can be found here.
For more information about Focused Based Canine Training and how to train with us simply got to our contact page and reach out.